The Best Way To Bless Your Kids
This is one of my favorite things that we do with our kids. My husband started it when our oldest was quite young, and we’ve developed it over the years into a time we all enjoy. We call it Morning Blessing Time. It’s a time for us to read certain Scriptures and then speak life and blessings over our family. It’s quick and easy to do with any ages, and it bears good fruit. Choosing to bless your kids is something that will always have a good return on investment, and absolutely worth your time and effort.

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What Does It Entail?
It’s so simple that we can easily do it even on busy mornings. We read two passages of Scripture – Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Numbers 6:24-26. Then we each bless the other members of the family. My husband blesses each child and then me. I do the same, then our 4 year old, and our 2 year old if she wants to participate.
The blessings themselves are simple but tailored to each person. We also say things that we have been praying over them. It goes something like this. – “You are kind. You are smart. You are beautiful. You have a loving heart. You are a compassionate friend. You are a good sleeper. You are a leader. You are a wonderful daughter. You have a heart for the Lord. I love you so much, and you are blessed!” During the blessing, the recipient holds out their hand, and the bless-er places blessings in it. When the blessing is done, the recipient then places the blessings in their heart (usually with enthusiastic sound effects). Then, on to the next person. When everyone is done blessing, we pray and our Morning Blessing Time is complete.
Why Is It Important?
This isn’t something that’s crucial for building your child’s faith. Your children absolutely can grow up without a morning blessing time and still love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. But it’s a bonus – an extra time for you to build them up spiritually. It’s a time to connect as a family and to show that you love each other and view each other as a blessing. It’s a time to let the Lord speak through you and to speak His truth and promises over your kids. It’s a time to bless your kids, and also to be blessed. Who can say no to that?
“But Our Mornings Are So Rushed!”
We live a slower-paced lifestyle since we homeschool and my husband is self-employed. I know that’s not the case for everyone. You may be grabbing granola bars for your kids on the way out the door so you can get them to school a few minutes early so you’re not late to work (again). I respect that. But just like with Family Bible Time, how can you make this work for you? Would supper be a better time to bless your kids? Or after school? Maybe right before bed when you’re tucking the kids in? Your discipleship of your children doesn’t have to look like my discipleship of my children. What matters is that you are making discipleship a priority.
As I said earlier, this has grown and changed over the years. You don’t have to be “perfect” to start teaching your kids about Jesus – just start. Introduce Blessing Time after supper tonight and see how it goes. If it doesn’t go well, try it at a different time tomorrow. The Lord sees your heart and your effort, and He will bring about good fruit because of it.
Do you bless your children? What does it look like for your family?
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February 6, 2023 at 2:21 pm
[…] This verse is the Aaronic blessing – the way in which God told Aaron and his sons (the priests) to bless the Israelites. If this blessing was special enough to come from the mouth of God straight to His chosen people, the Israelites, then it is certainly a blessing that I want to pray over my unborn baby. I want all of this for them in their life, and I want them to know it from the very beginning. (This is also the blessing we read over our children in our morning blessing time. Read more about that here.) […]