Why Family Worship Time Should Be A Priority
Though different denominations have different types of worship experiences, the Bible makes it clear that as followers of God, we are called to worship Him (Colossians 3:16). In our ever-busy western culture, we have essentially assigned worship to Sunday morning church, not to be thought of at all the rest of the week. But I’d like to share with you some reasons why a family worship time can, and should, be a regular occurrence at home.

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Draws You (& Your Kids) Closer To God
Raising Jesus kids is such an interesting journey, because not only are we pouring into our children in order to lead them to the Father, but we are walking closer to Him through those steps as well. Family worship time is a wonderful time for you to enter into worship and draw close to God. In doing so, you’re setting an example for your kids. And when they follow your lead and begin to worship their King, they will draw close to Him, too.
Are you seeing it? Are you seeing how these simple acts, these different ways to raise Jesus kids, can have impacts for generations to come? We’re not just teaching our kids that they should worship God or how to worship God, but we’re laying a foundation of worship that they will then lay for their kids, and that their kids will lay for their grandkids, and so on. This is just the beginning.
An Opportunity To Teach Your Kids
If your kids attend nursery or children’s church during Sunday service, there’s a good chance they never see true worship. Even if they stay with you in church, they may see worship but not really understand the heart behind it. Much like taking communion at home, when you worship at home, you have an opportunity to teach your kids why – why we stand, why we raise our hands, the meaning behind certain songs, etc. Again, it’s laying a foundation. You don’t want your children worshipping like you because that’s all they see on Sunday morning; you want them worshipping from their heart because that’s what you’ve been teaching them during family worship time at home.
A Chance For Kids To Be Curious
Raising hands. Waving flags. Shaking tambourines. Doing hand motions. Turning pages in hymnals. Repeating certain songs each week.
Have you ever wondered what these things look like to children? None of them are inherently bad, but if a child doesn’t understand it, it’s just another routine or tradition. Worship should be heartfelt, and that starts with understanding. Family worship time gives kids a chance to ask questions and to learn the why behind their worship.
How Do We Establish Family Worship Time?
The great thing about worship is that it is so flexible. Personally, we make a short playlist (3-4 songs) on YouTube or Spotify and let them play while we all stand in our living room and praise God. Alternatively, someone in your house may be musically talented – have them lead the family in a few worship songs. If you choose to worship with no instruments, you can use a hymnal or printed music, and worship in the same way.
One fun thing we’ve added in with our kids is the use of praise ribbons. Kids are notorious for being wiggly and moving around, so we figured, why not use that to their advantage? They can jump and twirl around, and praise God at the same time. They love it!
Family worship time isn’t strict or boring or something to check off your list. It’s a holy and beautiful time to gather your family together and worship your Maker through song. It doesn’t have to be complicated – God just wants your heart and your attention. Even the youngest kids can join in, and it’s an act that will bless your whole family.
Does your family have worship time together? What does it look like for you?